Refreshing new look
by Mike Curtis
on 18/05/2016
Polo ‘The Mint with the Hole’ has recently re-branded its logo and packaging, creating a simple and contemporary look that will help this popular mint stand out on the shelf.
The new design has seen the logo change to all white with a green drop shadow sitting on a navy background, with crisp lines and a 3D feel, reminiscent of the mint itself. This new design has been based on the typeface used by the original Polo brand in the 1940’s.
The previous logo and packaging had a softer feel with rounded corners on the lettering and a dark drop shadow. This made the white and coloured lettering look darker rather than the nice bright white that it is now.
The packaging allows for a consistent look across all flavours by simply changing the coloured end panels and will allow new flavours to be added easily.
I really like the new look and feel. This simple and contemporary approach seems to be the way other brands packaging is being re-designed, making already popular brands easily recognisable and distinctive. Coca Cola, Irn Bru and Cathedral city all recently opting for a similarly fresh and clean new look.